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  • Thomas Engell, Anne Marte Løvstad, Benedicte Kirkøen, Terje Ogden & Kristine Amlund Hagen

Exploring how intervention characteristics affect implementability

A mixed methods case study of common elements-based academic support in child welfare services

  • Children and Youth Services Review  | 
  • 2021

Prominent implementation theories and frameworks articulate characteristics of interventions (e.g., contextual alignment) as important determinants of successful implementation in natural practice settings. Yet, few studies have explored such characteristics in-depth. Research is needed to understand how and why interventions' characteristics can make them more or less implementable in their intended practice settings. Child Welfare Services (CWSs) need evidence-informed academic interventions to help children's current and prospective wellbeing. CWSs are complex implementation contexts that likely need interventions to be highly implementable. This mixed-methods case study explored the implementability of Enhanced Academic Support (EAS), a co-designed common elements-based academic intervention for children and families in CWSs, and how characteristics such as flexibility and contextual alignment influenced its implementability.

Engell, T., Løvstad, A. M., Kirkøen, B., Ogden, T. & Hagen, K. A. (2021). Exploring how intervention characteristics affect implementability: a mixed methods case study of common elements-based academic support in child welfare services. Children and Youth Services Review .