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Do Terrorist Attacks Affect Ethnic Discrimination in the Labour Market?

News | 29 January 2018 | Anne Mette Ødegård

Pakistanere i Norge føler seg like diskriminert på arbeidsmarkedet som før terroristangrepet 22. juli 2011, viser en ny artikkel publisert i British Journal of Sociology. Jon Rogstad er medforfatter sammen med blant andre Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund fra Universitetet i Oslo.  

Terrorist attacks are known to influence public opinion, but do they also change behaviour? A new British Journal of Sociology study that addressed this question found that Pakistanis in Norway still experience the same level of discrimination, despite claims that Norwegians have become more positive about migrants after the far-right, anti-migrant terrorist attacks of 2011.

Publisert: 29 January 2018