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SEMINAR (in English): Covid-19 crises and uncertainty: What about labour migration?

Arbeidsinnvandringen til Norge hadde allerede begynt å dabbe av idet koronakrisa trykket på pauseknappen. Under dette Fafo Østforum seminaret diskuterer representanter for forskning, næringsliv og den polske ambassaden hva som har skjedd og hva vi kan vente oss når samfunnet vender tilbake til normalen.

Since 2004, migrant workers from Central and Eastern Europe have had a central role in maintaining Norway’s production level, especially in industries as construction and manufacturing. The covid-19 virus has made the situation very difficult for many labour migrants. They have experienced quarantines, travel restrictions and closed worksites. However, even before the “shut-down”, it seemed like the Norwegian labour market had become less attractive for the migrants. What can we expect in the years to come?

  • Publisert: 06 October 2020