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New reports on religious reorientation in Southern Mali

Nyhet_Rettigheter og sikkerhet | 24 June 2015
I Mali er det frykt for at landet gradvis forvandles til en islamsk stat. Bakgrunnen er framveksten av militante islamske grupper, og at religion får en større plass i offentligheten. Fafos rapporteringer viser at frykten er overdrevet. Skillet mellom stat og religion er intakt i Mali.

Religion occupies an increasingly significant part of Malian public space. The advances of militant Islamic groups and sporadic application of Sharia criminal punishment practices in northern Mali, have evoked fear among Malians, about whether the country is gradually turning into an “Islamic state”. But, concerns over Mali shifting towards an “Islamist state” are misplaced. The separation between the state and religious institutions is maintained.

Publisert: 24 June 2015