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New report on certificate in child care and youth work

News | 07 January 2016

Fafo har undersøkt arbeidsgivernes vurdering av fagbrevets betydning for tjenester rettet mot barn og ungdom. En ny rapport skrevet av Mona Bråten og Anna Hagen Tønder viser at selv om arbeidsgiverne er positive, kan det være vanskelig for nyutdannede å få seg fast jobb i kommunene. Rapporten lanseres på frokostseminaret.

Seminaret sendes direkte i Fafo-tv

Fafo has examined municipal employers' assessment of how a trade certificate in child care and youth work affects the quality of work aimed at children and youths. A new report written by Mona Bråten (pictured) and Anna Hagen Tønder shows that although employers are positive in their assessment of skilled workers, it may be difficult for graduates to get a permanent job in the municipalities. The report will be launched at the breakfast seminar.
Publisert: 07 January 2016