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Estimate of the number of children used as combatants

Nyhet_Rettigheter og sikkerhet | 21 April 2016

I dette prosjektet skal det utvikles metoder for å finne ut hvor mange barn som brukes som soldater og i ulike støttefunksjoner for væpnede styrker. Dette skal igjen brukes for å vurdere hvordan det går med FNs bærekraftmål om å hindre slaveri, menneskehandel og barnesoldater. Prosjektleder er Anne Hatløy.

This project explores methodologies for producing a global estimate of the number of children used as combatants and in different support roles by armed forces and armed groups. The aim is to establish a baseline against which progress in the achievement of target 8.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals can be measured. This target is to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers. Project leader is Anne Hatløy.

Publisert: 21 April 2016