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Jordan: Seeking Progress in the Land of Refugees

Nyhet_Rettigheter og sikkerhet | 04 February 2015
Jordans flyktninger utgjør omtrent halvparten av landets befolkning på omlag syv millioner. En ny Fafo-studie viser at levekårene for de palestinske flyktninger i landet har bedret seg markant det siste tiåret. Til tross for dette øker forskjellene mellom flyktninger som bor i eller utenfor leir, og statsløse palestinske flyktninger befinner seg oftest blant de ekstremt fattige. Flyktninger som i dag kommer fra Syria og Irak, får bare midlertidig beskyttelse, skriver Mona Christophersen i en kronikk i The Global Observatory, 3. februar.
Jordan’s refugees make up about half of its seven million people. A recent Fafo survey found living conditions among Palestinian refugees in Jordan had significantly improved in the past decade. Despite this progress the gap is widening between camp and non-camp Palestinian refugees and non-citizen Palestinian refugees are more often found among the destitute poor. Current refugees from Syria and Iraq are only offered temporary protection. Could a softer approach, granting them a set of limited rights, be beneficial for both Jordan and its many vulnerable refugees? Mona Christophersen writes about this topic in The Global Observatory.
Publisert: 04 February 2015