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Fafo and Human Rights Watch seminar 13 June: The Education Deficit

News | 08 June 2016

Mandag 13. juni starter Oslo Education Week. Fafo inviterer til lunsjseminar, der Human Rights Watch presenterer sin nye rapport «The Education Deficit». Den bygger på 20 års forskning i 40 land. Mangel på penger, vold og trakassering og diskriminering fører til at mange barn ikke får gå på skole. UD får utdelt karakterbok for sitt strategidokument "Utdanning for Utvikling".

Based on nearly two decades of research in over 40 countries, a new report by Human Rights Watch illustrates how human rights violations, including school fees, widespread violence, abuse and harassment in schools, ongoing discrimination against children with disabilities, minorities and LGBT children, and unfavourable school policies against girls, keep many children and adolescents out of school.

Publisert: 08 June 2016