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The Sung Home. Narrative, Morality, and the Kurdish Nation

News | 18 May 2016

Wendelmoet Hamelink, som er gjesteforsker ved Fafo, har skrevet boka The Sung Home. Narrative, Morality, and the Kurdish Nation, publisert hos Brill. Dette er historien om kurdiske sangpoeter, som gir innsikt i kurdisk kultur og lokalpolitikk. Tiår med undertrykkelse har blant annet gjort musikkproduksjonen mer politisk.

Wendelmoet Hamelink, guest researcher at Fafo, has written the book The Sung Home. Narrative, Morality, and the Kurdish Nation. The Sung Home tells the story of Kurdish singer-poets (dengbêjs) in Kurdistan in Turkey, who are specialized in the recital singing of historical songs. Their lyrics, life stories, and live performances offer fascinating insights into cultural practices, local politics and the contingencies of state borders.

Publisert: 18 May 2016