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Menneskehandel på Balkan-ruten

Migration, integration and skills | 05 April 2017

Strømmen av flyktninger og migranter gjennom Balkan har økt de siste årene. Dette skaper utfordringer for identifiseringen av og hjelp til ofre for menneskehandel. Denne rapporten oppsummerer erfaringene, og gir anbefalinger til hvordan myndigheter og frivillige organisasjoner kan bedre innsatsen. Forfattere er Anette Brunovskis, Fafo, (bildet)  og Rebecca Surtees (Nexus Institute).

In recent years, the flow of migrants and refugees through the Balkans has significantly increased. To date, there has been limited empirical evidence of when, why and how vulnerability to human trafficking arises in mass movements of migrants and refugees. Anette Brunovskis, Fafo, (pictured) and Rebecca Surtees (Nexus Institute) concludes with specific recommendations on how government and civil society stakeholders may begin to work more effectively.

The research has been undertaken in collaboration with Serbian NGOs Atina and Centre for Youth Integration (CYI), and it was funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Publisert: 05 April 2017