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New article about the effort to develop health research skills in low-income countries

News | 08 September 2021 | Alf Tore Bergsli
GROWNUT was a North-South-South partnership between universities in Norway, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Africa, aiming to build capacity in public health research in low-income countries. Anne Hatløy has written an article (open access) which serve to evaluate the project.

Hatløy and her co-writers find significant benefits to all partner institutions. The partnership provided excellent opportunities to network, enriched participants’ learning and enhanced academic growth, with benefits at individual, institutional, and country levels.

Maintaining a common vision was important for success, facilitated by joint planning of project activities, focussing strongly on building research and academic capacity at University of Kinshasa and addressing local nutrition problems.

However, they also found failures of co-facilitation and co-supervision, poor research dissemination and low policy impact, and concerns about sustainability.

The article builds on two former articles on the same subject, see the following list.

Publisert: 08 September 2021