ADRA Norway and Fafo, in collaboration with Norad Section for Education and Research, welcome you to report launch and panel discussion
Technologies in Under-Resourced Contexts – report launch and panel discussion What happens when the potential of digital educational technologies meets resource-limited realities?
Time: 27 May 2024, 13:00-14:30. (Light lunch and mingling from 12.30.)
Place: Norad, Bygdøy Allé 2, Oslo, Conference room 5th floor
Registration by 21st May 2024 to
Digital innovation has demonstrated powers to complement, enrich and transform education, and has the potential to speed up progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) for education, and transform modes of provision of universal access to learning. It can enhance the quality and relevance of learning, strengthen inclusion, and improve education administration and governance.
This seminar explores the complex interplay between educational technology (EdTech) and the challenges faced by under-resourced school systems. While digital tools hold the promise of transforming education by increasing access and quality, this session critically examines their impact against the backdrop of analog realities. The expert presenters will dive into the intricacies of implementing EdTech in resource-constrained environments, moving beyond promises to identify tangible benefits and potential pitfalls.
Drawing on an independent evaluation of electronic learning laboratories (E-labs) in a Norad funded education program run by ADRA in Niger, the seminar offers perspectives on how digital solutions influence literacy and numeracy skills in challenging educational settings.
Key presenters:
Rigmor Koti, Minister Counsellor in Abuja and former ambassador to Mali, will share experiences on educational challenges in fragile contexts in Sahel.
Lisa Sivertsen, Director, Department for Human Development, Norad, will reflect on how relevant education, including new technology, can be a powerful tool for development.
Tewodros Aragie Kebede, Researcher from Fafo Institute for Labor and Social Research, will present the evaluation findings and recommendations.
A panel of experts will explore: Can EdTech promote educational equity and quality, or are there deeper issues that technology alone can’t solve?

Gerd Hanne Fosen, Norad Policy Director, Section for Education and Research, Department for Human Development
Nora Ingdal, International Programs Director, Save the Children
Kabira Namit, Researcher Oxford university, former Evaluation specialist Education at World Bank.
Tewodros Aragie Kebede, Researcher Fafo, Sahel and Africa South of Sahara, Education and out of School Children