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  • Jørgen Svalund & Kristin Alsos

Enforcing rules regulating the use of temporary positions in Norway: A matter of exit, voice or silence?

  • Economic and Industrial Democracy  | 
  • 2022

Companies’ access to temporary workers is an important aspect of the functioning of labour markets. The strictness of regulations is not determined by the regulations alone, but also how these are enforced. Thus, knowledge on why some employees take action while others do not is important to understand the functioning of these regulations. We analyse temporary workers’ experiences and perceptions related to enforcement in the Norwegian labour market by distinguishing between ‘exit’, ‘voice’ and ‘silence’. Where enforcement is left to the temporary employee, as in Norway, enforcement may be difficult due to the limited power of the employee vis-a-vis the employer. Trade unions may, however, increase this power and in this study the role of local trade union representatives in enforcement is included. Taking the comprehensive Norwegian model of trade unions’ support into account, this case can be seen as a robust case for understanding the process of enforcement.

Svalund, J., & Alsos, K. (2022). Enforcing rules regulating the use of temporary positions in Norway: A matter of exit, voice or silence?  Economic and Industrial Democracy, 0(0).