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  • Torgeir Aarvaag Stokke, Jon Erik Dølvik and Kristine Nergaard

Industrial relations in Norway

  • Other Fafo-publications
  • Other Fafo-publications

This publication consists of two articles. The first is a reprint of the Norwegian chapter in Anthony Ferner & Richard Hyman’s Changing Industrial Relations in Europe (Blackwell Publishers 1998). In that article, the basic features of the «Norwegian model» are explained, and its evolution is traced from the early origin up till 1996. The second article is an updated version of a contribution to the ETUI publication Collective Bargaining in Western Europe 1997–1998 (European Trade Union Institute 1998). Focusing on the bargaining rounds in 1997 and 1998 and the prospects for 1999, it also reviews the level and structure of industrial conflict in Norway. Together, these articles should provide a thorough and up to date picture of industrial relations developments in Norway.

  • Published: 1. April 1999
  • Ordering ID: 925

Fafo researchers