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EU and the Arab Spring

Nyhet_Rettigheter og sikkerhet | 18 March 2015

Under den arabiske våren ønsket EU demonstrantenes krav velkommen, og tilbød hjelp i overgangen til demokrati. I en ny artikkel tar Beáta Paragi (bildet) for seg endringer i nabolandspolitikk, basert på meningsmålinger i Europa og i land i umiddelbar nærhet til den israelsk-palestinske konflikten. Artikkelen er publisert i Democracy and Security 11(1). * Sammendrag



The European Union welcomed the demonstrators’ demands wholeheartedly during the Arab Spring, trying to maximize the assistance that it could offer to support genuine democratic transition, at least at a rhetorical level. This article by Beáta Paragi reflects on the changes in the neighborhood policy by focusing on public perceptions measured in Europe and in countries in close proximity to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. The article is published in Democracy and Security 11(1). * Abstract
Publisert: 18 March 2015