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New report on learning conditions

Migration, integration and skills | 13 April 2015

Norske arbeidstakere deltar mye i etter- og videreutdanning, sammenliknet med mange andre land. Men hva vil mer fleksible ansettelsesformer ha å si lærevilkårene? Får vi et økt kompetansegap i norsk arbeidsliv? Undersøkelsen tar utgangspunkt i arbeidstakeres utdanningsnivå og ansettelsesforhold, og ser spesielt på bygg- og anleggsbransjen. Rapporten er skrevet av Hedda Haakestad og Erika Braanen Sterri.

Participation rates for on the job training are high among Norwegian employees, compared to employees elsewhere in Europe. In this report we seek to investigate how learning conditions are affected by more flexible employment strategies. Are we facing a greater competence gap in the labour market? We analyze the questions by looking at learning conditions for employees on temporal and part-time contracts, and with different educational levels. The report is written by Hedda Haakestad and Erika Braanen Sterri. 

Publisert: 13 April 2015