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  • Laura E. Mitchell

Youth engagement in Syria:

Expected – but not encouraged

  • Fafo-paper 2010:01
  • Fafo-paper 2010:01
Based on a sample survey of 1050 Syrian university youth, this paper examines youth participation at home, in the university and in their surrounding communities. We find that at home, over 70% of youth participate frequently or most of the time in deliberations and decision-making processes about their own lives; however, one quarter of youth participate only occasionally or seldom in these processes. In stark contrast, 80% of Syrian youth seldom, if ever, participate in extra-curricular activities. Low social trust amongst youth, combined with the closeness of youth organizations to the state and the lack of a civic ethos or environment in the university, were stated as key deterring factors
  • Publisert: 19. januar 2010
  • Ordrenr. 10097
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