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Mapping the "invisible": Life and work for 30 million Chinese domestic workers

Domestic labour is a fast-growing segment of the labor force in China and today may make up as many as 30 million people. A new survey amongst 2100 domestic workers in three Chinese cities (Beijing, Jinan, and Changsha) provides their socio-demographic and work profiles.

Most domestic workers are rural women with basic or lower education. They are predominantly informal workers with no labor contract and have no access to labour rights protections and social security.

Most domestic workers have done overtime work that is often underpaid or unpaid. Live-in domestic workers work excessive hours and earn significantly less per hour than their live-out counterparts.

While the hourly wages of child and elder care workers are significantly lower than those of other domestic workers, the hourly pay of elder care workers is the lowest.

  • Publisert: 03 May 2022
