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  • Cecilie Øien

A sense of control

Why rejected asylum seekers move out of reception centres

  • Fafo-paper 2012:09
  • Fafo-paper 2012:09

This report is a re-analysis of qualitative data from the 2011 Fafo project No way in, no way out: A study of living conditions of irregular migrants in Norway. Both the current re-analysis and the previous project were funded by the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI). The original report was based on qualitative interviews with twenty-nine irregular migrants of various nationalities and ages, who had all experienced having their asylum application rejected. The objective was to produce knowledge about irregular migrants’ living conditions as seen from their personal perspectives. In this re-analysis the objective is rather to explore the motives rejected asylum seekers have for moving out of reception centres, and the considerations and reflections involved in their decision to do so.

  • Published: 20. January 2012
  • Ordering ID: 10155
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