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  • Cecilie Øien

En route: A study of unaccompanied minors

En studie av enslige mindreårige asylsøkere

  • Fafo-rapport 2010:20
  • Fafo-rapport 2010:20
This study seeks to identify the underlying causes and motives which underpin unaccompanied minors’ migration, as well as provide knowledge and insight into what determines which country they end up in. The study is primarily based on qualitative interviews, which emphasised unaccompanied minors’ personal experiences and understanding of the migration process. Their stories are further contextualised by interviews with professionals working with unaccompanied minors in reception centres and on issues of child protection. The study is commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and the Police.
  • Published: 16. February 2010
  • Ordering ID: 20164
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