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  • Mona Christophersen and Åge A. Tiltnes

Norwegian Junior Professional Officers in the UN

The challenge of retaining JPOs and increasing the number of Norwegians in the UN system

  • Faforeport 2023:16
  • Faforeport 2023:16

Commissioned by Norec, this report examines factors that may impact the decision of Norwegian Junior Professional Officers (JPOs) to remain employed in the UN. The report builds on information from 7 key informants, in-depth interviews with 11 former and 2 current JPOs, and a questionnaire survey disseminated to 127 former and current JPOs.

Some factors are personal and relate to motivation, preferences, individual experiences at the duty station, and the JPOs’ family situation. Additional factors include structural and concern pre-departure preparations and information; how the UN operates, accommodates, and supervises the JPOs; follow-up by Norwegian authorities; and aspects like salaries, non-pay benefits, and social security arrangements. The JPOs must weigh what the UN offers versus the conditions in the Norwegian, or other, labour markets. The report shows that women are more critical of the UN’s working conditions than men, and they ascribe a higher value to the Norwegian welfare state.

  • Published: 22. June 2023
  • Ordering ID: 20853