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Whistle-blowing and freedom of speech in Norwegian working life

Fafo will carry out a new, wide survey on freedom of speech and whistle-blowing in Norwegian working life.

It is now almost six years since the last major survey about these topics were conducted. The question is whether the climate for whistle-blowing and freedom of speech at the workplaces have changed during the last years. The project is funded by several Norwegian trade unions.

We want answers to questions that can be compared with results from 2010:

• How many blow the whistle about wrongdoings at the workplace?
• How are the whistle-blowers treated, and what do happen with the cases?
• What is the role of trade union representatives in such cases?
• How do the management handle wrongdoings at the work-places?


Project period

  • Start:
    January 2016
  • End:
    December 2016

Commissioned by

  • Forbundene Industri Energi, FLT, Utdanningsforbundet og Sykepleierforbundet, sammen med Fritt Ord