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Sissel C. Trygstad



Dr. polit, NTNU (Sociology, 2004), Trondheim. Thesis: Work place democracy meets New Public Management (Co-operation and New Public Management).

Cand. Polit, UiO (Sociology, 1995). Thesis: The takeover of Freia Marabou AS.

Professor II at Nord University.

Area of work

Current projects

Integrating Diversity in Social Dialogue (INTEGRATE-DIALOGUE)
INTEGRATE-DIALOGUE combines a top-down approach, focusing on the role of social partners and unions in approaching and including NSWs in collective institutions and a the bottom-up perspective, i.e., NSWs’ needs and interests to be represented and have a voice.
Lederens participation barometer
The Norwegian labour market is facing significant challenges related to, among other things, a shortage of workforce, digitization, fair/green transition, migration, and displacement. The processes of change are not new, but they impact our society and the labor market more forcefully than before. At the same time, economic trends indicate that we are in a so-called "time of expenses." Questions related to business and work organization, workforce strategies, the use of digital and technological tools, competence development, larger and smaller change processes (including outsourcing), and the overall working environment are just a few examples of challenges that many members of Lederne (a union for leaders) are experiencing and must manage. In order to provide effective assistance, Lederne wants to follow the everyday experiences of its members.
Workers' voice and the right to manage - the case of whistleblowing in a comparative context
For the employers and businesses, it can be decisive that workers blow the whistle about wrongdoing to avoid dangerous situations and accidents. Still, it can be risky for workers to raise their concerns or blow the whistle. Managers and owners may have strong interests in suppressing the disclosure of information about wrongdoing.
The Nordic labour Market Model at company level during the pandemic

Since March 2020, both the central and local social dialogue has been put on its’ worst stress test ever.

Collective organisations, support and sustainability

The project will provide knowledge on structural reasons why employers and workers join collective organisations and why they do or not reach collective argeements. Colossus also targets policies and strategies to sustain collective organisations. Finally, Colossus studies the implementation of collective organisations and argeements.

Barometer of inequality
The aim of the project is to measure and analyze the development of economical and social inequality.
The Impact of Digitalization on Work and Labour Markets in the Nordics and the U.S.

In cooperation with the University of Gothenburg, Michigan State University, and MIT, we will examine ongoing restructuring processes related to digitalization of work in Norway, Sweden and the U.S, the effects on labour market institutions and vice versa.

Fafo publications

Articles and book chapters

Other publications

Completed projects

Review of literature on freedom of speech
The aim of the study is to gather and systematize knowledge about the conditions for freedom of speech for Norwegian employees across sectors, with a particular focus on highly educated workers. This literature review will provide insights into what promotes and restrain freedom of speech in various parts of the labor market, making it easier for Tekna to continue working on this topic.
Role of the Labour Inspectorate

This projcet will, firstly, focus on the role of and activities in the national Labour Inspectorate, secondly, we address the activities of internal and external preventive services that support compliance and promote OSH, and finally we describe the interaction between these two

The basic agreement in the state sector - modus operandi

The basic agreement i state sector - the basic agreement provides the rules and regulations on social dialogue in state enterprises. The project aim to evaluate the modus operandi of the agreement.

The cleaning industry – a survey
Fafo and Economics Norway will carry out a survey of how the cleaning industry in the professional market works.
Workers' participation and co-determination rights
How is workers participation and co-determination rights practiced in the Norwegian working life? And how do social partners assess this practice? These are central questions in this project undertaken on behalf of the Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
Getting and staying together: 100 years of social dialogue and tripartism in Norway

Throughout Norway’s history, it has used social dialogue and tripartism to achieve better social and economic outcomes that benefit society as a whole. In this project we will study this in a historical context as well as look to the future of social dialogue. This project will end out in a report to the ILO 100 anniversary in the spring of 2019.

Freedom of speech and whistleblowing in Norwegian municipalities

In this project, we will study internal and external opportunities for exercising freedom of speech in Norwegian municipalities.

Whistle-blowing and freedom of speech in Norwegian working life

Fafo will carry out a new, wide survey on freedom of speech and whistle-blowing in Norwegian working life.

Likebehandling ved utleie av arbeidstakere

Legislation that aims to ensure equal treatment for temporary agency workers came into force in Norway in 2013. Fafo will on behalf of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs find out whether these regulations are complied with. The project aims to look into how the regulations are understood and put into practice, whether companies try to bypass the regulations, how the regulations are enforced and whether new measures are required.

Part-time careers in Norway – the end of normalization? Women’s working time adaptation in a longitudinal perspective

In this project, we explore the new realities and implications of part-time working. The spotlight focuses particularly on the relationship between ‘good and bad’ part-time working in a national and international perspective.