The Introduction to Sociology course at NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) has since the reorganization in 2018 emphasized interaction and collaboration between students, including compulsory submissions of group-based texts and podcasts (audio recordings). On basis of a qualitative analysis of student evaluation, reference group meetings and a selection of recorded podcasts in the autumn of 2021, we have examined how students can be incorporated into a sociological way of thinking through interaction-based learning. We found that many students developed the ability for thinking aloud sociologically and internalizing a sociological understanding, through insightful responsivity, by which they were able to understand their own everyday experiences and surroundings sociologically. A special emphasis on the podcasts demonstrates this empirically. In the article, we discuss the value of such skills and problematize how interaction-based learning may represent a more school-like university.
Lysvik, R. R., Hoøen, I. M. H., & Tjora, A. (2023). Innsiktsfull responsivitet. Norsk Sosiologisk Tidsskrift, 7(6), 1–17.