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  • Jørgen Aarhaug, Sigurd M N Oppegaard, Frants H Gundersen, Knut J L Hartveit, Kåre H Skollerud og Bjorn Dapi

Drosjer i Norge fram mot 2020

  • Fafo-rapport 2020:24 TØI rapport1802/2020
  • Fafo-rapport 2020:24 TØI rapport1802/2020

The Norwegian taxi market has undergone a series of incremental changes in the decade between 2010 and 2020. This report documents these changes focusing on the Norwegiantaxi market as a labour market. The report summarises the market and expectations in the market prior to the regulatory changes that will take effect on 1 November 2020.

  • Published: 20. November 2020
  • Ordering ID: 20759

Fafo researchers


Commisioned by

  • Yrkestrafikkforbundet the Norwegian Taxi AssociationLO NorwayThe Institute of Transport Economics