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  • Kristin Alsos

Skadet på fritiden – hva så?

Om yrkesskadedekning etter arbeidsdagens slutt

  • Fafo-notat 2009:19
  • Fafo-notat 2009:19

In Fafo-report 2009:30 violence and threats of violence against employees working at child welfare offices, child welfare institutions and services for physically disabled persons, were addressed. The report showed that some employees, as well as their family members, were exposed to violence or threats of violence in their spare time. This paper looks at the Norwegian schemes of occupational injury benefit, and whether these systems also cover injuries resulting from violence from clients in the spare time.  The paper also proposes some possible improvements to today’s schemes.

  • Published: 13. January 2009
  • Ordering ID: 10093
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Fafo researchers