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  • Jon Pedersen, Mona Christophersen, Lena C. Endresen and Pål Sletten

Paying a Price. Coping with Closure in Two Palestinian Villages

  • Fafo-report 365
  • Fafo-report 365
“Closure” is Israeli restrictions on Palestinian movement of persons or goods across the border between the West Bank or Gaza Strip and Israel, and also internally within the Occupied Territories.

The Al Aqsa intifada – the new Palestinian uprising that started on the 28th September 2000 – made Israel impose strict closure on the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

”Paying a price” depicts the daily life in two Palestinian villages on the West Bank as they experience the effects of the closure and the conflicts of the new Intifada. The study is based on short field works made by researchers from Fafo Institute of Applied International Studies in April 2001.
  • Published: 1. February 2002
  • Ordering ID: 365