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  • Åsmund Hermansen

Retirement before age 67. The use of collective agreed early retirement scheme (AFP) in KS (The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities) tariff range 2002-2009

Tidligpensjonering og bruk av AFP innen KS' tariffområde 2002–2009

  • Fafo-rapport 2011:23
  • Fafo-rapport 2011:23

This report gives an overview of early retirement among employees aged 50-67 in KS tariff area for the period 2002 to 2009. The calculations and analysis are based on a comprehensive material from insurance providers within the KS tariff area. The report describes changes in expected retirement age and retirement rates by age, gender and occupation. It also presents the use of the various early retirement schemes; disability pension, AFP, special retirement age and the 85-year rule.

  • Published: 18. February 2011
  • Ordering ID: 20214
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Fafo researchers


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  • Pensjonskontoret