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Education for Kindergarten Managers: A Career Perspective

  • Nordisk barnehageforskning  | 
  • 2024

The article examines the importance of the specific leadership studies for kindergarten head teachers in a career perspective. We study whether those who have completed such a study is more inclined to continue working as kindergartens head teachers compared to those who have not.

Additionally, we investigate whether kindergarten head teachers perceive that their leadership study for kindergarten head teachers have had an impact on their career paths. These questions are in the study linked to the age of the head teachers, where they pursued their kindergarten head teacher leadership studies, and the size of the kindergarten they manage.

A large survey among kindergarten head teachers in 2022 is used to shed light on the article’s objectives. The survey indicates that completing the leadership study for kindergarten head teachers has no bearing on their considerations regarding whether they will continue as kindergarten head teachers in the future.

Approximately two out of three who have completed the leadership study for kindergarten head teachers state that the study has significantly influenced their career paths. Head teachers who completed their leadership study at institutions placing less emphasis on kindergarten-related topics are more likely to assert that the study has been crucial for their career paths.

There is no support for the assumption that head teachers in large kindergartens perceive their leadership study to be more important than head teachers in smaller kindergartens. However, a higher proportion of head teachers in municipal kindergartens answer that the study has been important for their careers.

Finally, we find that the younger the head teacher is, the more likely it is that they answer that the leadership study for kindergarten head teachers has been important for their career. 

Bråten, M., Steen Jensen, R., & Svalund, J. (2024). Lederutdanning for barnehagestyrere i et karriereperspektiv. Nordisk barnehageforskning, 21(2), 100–117.