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Mona Bråten

Senior Researcher

Current projects

Follow-up survey on sexual harassment in the cultural sector
Fafo will conduct a follow-up survey on sexual harassment in the cultural sector. The survey is based on a similar study conducted in 2018.
Right to disconnect
The overarching purpose of the project is to gather knowledge about the situation in the Norwegian working life regarding employees' right to disconnect.
LOFU 2024: Survey on Sexual Harassment and the Significance of the Work Environment
Survey on sexual harassment among members in the private sector in some of LO's unions. The survey aims to map the extent of sexual harassment and the significance disparities in the work environment may have, now well over six years after the #MeToo campaign.
Status update on the use and scope of digital platform work
The purpose of the project is to enhance knowledge about the use, scope, actors, and nature of platform work in the Norwegian labor market, and how this has evolved since 2017.

Fafo publications

Articles and book chapters

Other publications

Completed projects

Evaluation of Health and Safety Card
Samfunnsøkonomisk analyse and Fafo are going to survey experiences with the HSE card system. The project aims to illuminate how the HSE card system in construction and civil engineering, cleaning, car maintenance, tire changing, and wheel storage contributes to reducing the incidence of labour market crime (a-crime) and social dumping. This includes assessing the extent to which HSE cards are subject to abuse, proposing measures to reduce such abuse, and enhancing the effectiveness of HSE card systems in reducing labour market crime and social dumping.
Role of the Labour Inspectorate

This projcet will, firstly, focus on the role of and activities in the national Labour Inspectorate, secondly, we address the activities of internal and external preventive services that support compliance and promote OSH, and finally we describe the interaction between these two

Risk and working environment challenges in digitalized work

The working environment of the future: Risk and working environment challenges in digitalized work arrangements across different forms of employment. A conceptual framework of the Nordic labour inspection authorities

National management education for directors and management of kindergartens
Formålet med prosjektet er å få mer kunnskap om styrerutdanningen for barnehageledere og i hvilken grad den bidrar til utvikling og endring av ledelsesespraksis i tråd med formålet med studiet. Ønsket er å mer kunnskap om hvordan lederutdanningen setter avtrykk i praksis.
Gender perspective in the working environment and health, environment and safety work
UNIO har tatt initiativ til et pilotprosjekt for å undersøke om det er forskjeller i arbeidsmiljøutfordringer og HMS-arbeid i kvinnedominerte og mannsdominerte virksomheter. Vi ønsker vi å få mer kunnskap om kjønnsforskjeller i arbeidsmiljøutfordringer og det systematiske HMS-arbeidet i kommunal sektor. Vi vil undersøke to kvinnedominerte og en mannsdominert sektor i to kommuner.
The cleaning industry – a survey
Fafo and Economics Norway will carry out a survey of how the cleaning industry in the professional market works.
The freight transport market
Fafo will, in collaboration with Economics Norway, map the scope and characteristics of the freight market (payload below 3.5 tonnes). The survey covers the competitive situation between the truck market and the regulated freight transport market.
Radiographs and work intensity
In this project, we will investigate the labor intensity and pressure among radiographers and whether these factors are perceived to have increased in recent years.
Workers' participation and co-determination rights
How is workers participation and co-determination rights practiced in the Norwegian working life? And how do social partners assess this practice? These are central questions in this project undertaken on behalf of the Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
Labour inspection in working environment
The project will investigate how The Norwegian Maritime Authority, The Civil Aviation Authority of Norway and The Norwegian Railway Authority conduct inspections on the HSE area and on working hours.
Sexual Harassment - The Norwegian Medical Association

Fafo will assist the Norwegian Medical Association in conducting and reporting a survey on sexual harassment among the association's members.

Postgraduate education in kindergartens - participant survey
The project will investigate how kindergarten directors and kindergarten teachers who have participated in further education in 2018 and 2019 assess the content and organization of the education, learning outcomes and changes in their own practice. In addition, the project will look at how the nursery owner has arranged for participation.
Working conditions among Romanian and Bulgarian truck drivers in Norway

Fafo will, in collaboration with Transportøkonomisk Institutt, map living conditions and pay and working conditions among Romanian and Bulgarian truck drivers in Norway. TØI is the project manager, and the final report will be published by them.

Harassment in the workplace

The purpose of the project is to provide knowledge about the prevention and management of sexual harassment and harassment on the basis of gender in the hotel and restaurant industry in Scandinavia.

Likebehandling ved utleie av arbeidstakere

Legislation that aims to ensure equal treatment for temporary agency workers came into force in Norway in 2013. Fafo will on behalf of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs find out whether these regulations are complied with. The project aims to look into how the regulations are understood and put into practice, whether companies try to bypass the regulations, how the regulations are enforced and whether new measures are required.

Kontroll og overvåking i arbeidslivet

Control and surveillance in the workplace
The topic of this project is workplace control and monitoring. The project builds on previous Fafo projects on the same topic, and on previous issues on prevalence, motives, attitudes and practices regarding ICT-based control and monitoring tools in the workplace. The project is based on an analysis of SSB living condition data (LKU 2013) and a telephone survey among employers.