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Health and safety for migrant workers in construction

The starting point for this project is the health and safety challenges in the construction industry that emerged in the afterhmath of labour immigration after the EU-enlargement in 2004 and 2007. One of the aims is to lay the groundwork for conducting a more extensive business survey later on. Such a survey will provide answers about the experiences companies have had over the past 20 years: what adaptations and training have been implemented, what the experiences are with the new measures introduced, what current challenges exist, and how companies view the future. Among the measures, we will also include those not directly related to health, safety but which may have an indirect impact. This includes, for example the exension of collective agreements and tightening of regulations on the hiring of labour.

Project period

  • Start:
    January 2025
  • End:
    August 2025

Commissioned by

  • Fellesforbundet

Sustainable development goals