Fafo publications
Articles and book chapters
Completed projects
Gender balance in Hydro's aluminium plant
Norsk Hydro wants a more even gender balance among its employees, ie more female employees in its aluminium plants/factories. This applies to both operators and engineers. In the project, we will provide an overview of the current situation, what the challenges are and point to possible measures/facilitation to achieve a more even gender balance
Gender equality and the representation of women i LO
A Fafo-paper will be prepared that looks at the status of women's representation in the Trade Union Council and the member unions, as well as contributions from ongoing research projects on women and shop stewards and collective agreement provisions on gender equality.
National management education for directors and management of kindergartens
Formålet med prosjektet er å få mer kunnskap om styrerutdanningen for barnehageledere og i hvilken grad den bidrar til utvikling og endring av ledelsesespraksis i tråd med formålet med studiet. Ønsket er å mer kunnskap om hvordan lederutdanningen setter avtrykk i praksis.
Gender perspective in the working environment and health, environment and safety work
UNIO har tatt initiativ til et pilotprosjekt for å undersøke om det er forskjeller i arbeidsmiljøutfordringer og HMS-arbeid i kvinnedominerte og mannsdominerte virksomheter. Vi ønsker vi å få mer kunnskap om kjønnsforskjeller i arbeidsmiljøutfordringer og det systematiske HMS-arbeidet i kommunal sektor. Vi vil undersøke to kvinnedominerte og en mannsdominert sektor i to kommuner.
Shop steward training
The project will investigate how shop stewards develop competence through their position. It is about both the competence gained through participation in various courses under the auspices of the trade union movement, and about the informal learning that happens through being elected.
Union representatives - a gender perspective
The purpose of the project is to study union representatives and the careers of women and men in two LO associations with special emphasis on women's election careers.
Platform of knowledge for the 0-24 collaboration on vulnerable children and youth
The aim of the 0-24 collaboration is to provide more coherent services and to strengthen the cross sectoral collaboration in the follow up of vulnerable children, young people and their families. Fafo is going to provide a platform of knowledge for this work in order to inform and to support the municipalities' work in this field.
Labour inspection in working environment
The project will investigate how The Norwegian Maritime Authority, The Civil Aviation Authority of Norway and The Norwegian Railway Authority conduct inspections on the HSE area and on working hours.
Postgraduate education in kindergartens - participant survey
The project will investigate how kindergarten directors and kindergarten teachers who have participated in further education in 2018 and 2019 assess the content and organization of the education, learning outcomes and changes in their own practice. In addition, the project will look at how the nursery owner has arranged for participation.
Nordic 0-24 collaboration
Nordic 0-24 is a Nordic cross sectoral collaboration for vulnerable children and young persons between 0 and 24 year.
Part-time careers in Norway – the end of normalization? Women’s working time adaptation in a longitudinal perspective
In this project, we explore the new realities and implications of part-time working. The spotlight focuses particularly on the relationship between ‘good and bad’ part-time working in a national and international perspective.