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Kristin Alsos, Johanne Stenseth Huseby and Anne Mette Ødegård

Better enforcement through improved Nordic-Baltic cooperation

Final report

  • Faforeport 2024:38
  • Faforeport 2024:38

This report is the final publication from the Better Enforcement Through Improved Nordic–Baltic Cooperation (BETIC) project, funded by European Social Funds+. The project has brought together the Labour Inspectorates in the Baltic and Nordic states.

Free movement of services in the single market includes sending workers to provide services in another Member State on a temporary basis, also called posted work. Numerous regulations have been introduced both at EU level and nationally to protect the situation of posted workers, and at the same time to ensure that businesses and workers can move freely within the single market. The topic in this report is enforcement of regulations for posted work. Among the challenges for enforcement are inadequate cooperation between national authorities, limited cross-border cooperation and lack of effective sanctions.

  • Published: 12. September 2024
  • Ordering ID: 20905