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  • Knut Fossestøl, red.

Stairway to heaven?

ICT-policy, disability and employment in Denmark, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Norway

  • Fafo-report 2007:42
  • Fafo-report 2007:42

This new report contains a collection of articles that present political ICT strategies for disabled, and other different means that governments use in order to increase the labour market participation of disabled people.
The articles analyze the situation in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Norway and Denmark. The articles are written by partners in these countries participating in a joint project between the Work Research Institute (WRI) and Fafo. The articles also present some of the authors’ recommendations for further development in this policy field in the respective countries.
The report contains an introduction that underscores some of the developments and challenges a further exploitation of the social potential of IC-technology, might have for disabled people’s chances in employment.
The report is a result of the project ICT, disability and employment, a joint project between WRI and Fafo. The report presents findings from the first phase of the study. Phase 2 is about the system for innovation, production and diffusion of both general and assistive ICT for disabled people at the work places. The third phase are specific focused on access to ICT and utilization of ICT at work places. The project is funded by the Norwegian Research Council.

  • Published: 9. March 2007
  • Ordering ID: 20042
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Fafo researchers