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Inger Lise Skog Hansen

Senior Researcher

Inger Lise Skog Hansen is a senior researcher at Fafo with welfare state, social policy and living conditions as her main areas of focus.

She has worked extensively with research on social marginalization and vulnerable groups in the welfare state. She has led several large research projects and, among other things, led the evaluation of the Nordic 0-24 collaboration on improved services to vulnerable children and young people (2018-2020).

One of her other main areas of interest is social housing, and especially housing and follow up services for persons with mental health and substance abuse problem.

Several of her projects during the last years have had coordination of welfare services as a significant dimension.

Area of work

Current projects

Mapping of resident immigrants with a D-number
Persons who stay in Norway for more than six months must, as a general rule, register as having moved to Norway and be registered in the National Register with a so-called birth number (f-number). Immigrants to Norway who plan to stay in the country for less than six months can be registered with a "d-number", necessary, for instance, for being issues a tax card. Concerns have been raised that immigrants, even with period of residence exceeding six months, may have difficulties in being registered with an f-number. This may have an impact on their access to rights, such as a GP.
A study of the Oslohjelpa in the district of Alna, Bjerke and Søndre Nordstrand
In this project, Fafo, in collaboration with Economics Norway, will study how Oslohjelpa is organized and works in three districts in Oslo.

Fafo publications

Other publications

Completed projects

Labour migrants and the Norwegian housing market

Labour migrants are vulnerable in the limited and pressured Norwegian housing rental market. Rental prices have risen sharply, especially in the last two years. Around half of migrant workers from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Romania rent housing.

Food aid in Norway

Fafo and ISF will together explore the Norwegian food aid system.

Who are in need of emergency aid from NGOs?

In recent months, voluntary organizations have experienced an increase in the number of people seeking help to fulfil basic needs. In this project, we will examine the development in the use of the Salvation Army's food distribution in three Norwegian cities. Through registrations, interviews with those who distribute food and interviews with those lining up to receive food, we will explore how the situation has changed regarding how many people seek such emergency help, as well as what characterizes those who receive support.

Platform of knowledge for the 0-24 collaboration on vulnerable children and youth
The aim of the 0-24 collaboration is to provide more coherent services and to strengthen the cross sectoral collaboration in the follow up of vulnerable children, young people and their families. Fafo is going to provide a platform of knowledge for this work in order to inform and to support the municipalities' work in this field.
Nordic 0-24 collaboration

Nordic 0-24 is a Nordic cross sectoral collaboration for vulnerable children and young persons between 0 and 24 year.

Evaluation of National grant scheme against child poverty

The aim of this evaluation is to get more knowledge about the impact of this grant scheme as part of the overall work against child poverty.

Evaluation of Housing First in Bergen and Sandnes

Over the past few years we have seen several municipal projects inspired by the American model Housing First.

NAV services in Norwegian prisons

The aim of the evaluation project is to map out how inmates right to NAV-services are being provided in prison. Fafo will also look into the working relations between the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) and the Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Service (Kriminalomsorgen).