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  • Tone Fløtten, Inger Lise Skog Hansen, Anne Skevik Grødem, Arne Backer Grønningsæter og Roy A. Nielsen

An overview of knowledge of poverty in Norway

En oppsummering

  • Fafo-rapport 2011:21
  • Fafo-rapport 2011:21
This report presents an overview of knowledge of the Norwegian poverty. What is poverty, how can it be measured, how extensive is the problem of poverty and which groups have the highest poverty risks? Poverty is an issue that creates a strong commitment – both in public and political circles – and the report therefore provides an overview of how the Norwegian political parties relate to the topic and the instruments that are intended to stem poverty. The report builds on existing statistical information about the phenomenon, mainly taken from Statistics Norway.
  • Published: 16. February 2011
  • Ordering ID: 20212