In this project, Fafo and Samfunnsøkonomisk analyse (SØA) will identify bottlenecks, possible solutions and opportunities for growth and innovation of the platform economy.
The project is commissioned by Nordic Innovation together with the five national Federations of Professional Associations in the Nordic countries.
The project will be conducted by Rolf Røtnes, Fernanda Winger Eggen, Jørgen Ingerød Steen from SØA and Kristin Jesnes and Johan Røed Steen from Fafo.
The project team also consists of experts from the Nordic countries, including Katrín Olafsdottír, Stine Rasmussen, Natalie Munkholm, Bertil Rolandsson, Annamaria Westregård, Marjo Ylhäinen og Antti Saloniemi.