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Kristin Jesnes


Kristin Jesnes is a researcher at Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research in Norway. Her main areas of research are non-standard forms of work (including platform work) and industrial relations.

Jesnes is also a Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. In her PhD work, she explores how platform work affects different labour markets, and how different institutional contexts forms how platform work develops.

Between 2017 and 2021, she coordinated the work of a Nordic group of researchers on platform work, culminating in the report “Platform work in the Nordic models: issues, cases and responses”. Her research on platform work is published in the Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies and in A Modern Guide to Labour and the Platform Economy.

Since 2022, Jesnes is in the Steering Committee of IWPLMS (The International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation).


Master in International Security, Institute d’études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). PhD student at the University of Gothenburg.

Area of work

Current projects

Integrating Diversity in Social Dialogue (INTEGRATE-DIALOGUE)
INTEGRATE-DIALOGUE combines a top-down approach, focusing on the role of social partners and unions in approaching and including NSWs in collective institutions and a the bottom-up perspective, i.e., NSWs’ needs and interests to be represented and have a voice.
National Correspondent EUROFOUND

The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND) is a triparty EU Agency that provides knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies. The work is done with the assistance of national correspondents in the EU Member States, and the Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion has granted Fafo the task as the national correspondent of Norway,

Nordic labour market models facing pandemic crisis
The project study labour market consequences of the COVID 19 epidemic. What are the impact and adjustments made to the labour market, its institutions, the regulations and measures used?
Freelancers, independent contractors and the organization of work
On behalf of The Research Council of Norway, Fafo, in collaboration with SNF (Centre for Applied research at Norwegian School of Economics - NHH) and Linköping University, will investigate the organization of the work for freelancers and independent contractors.

Fafo publications

Other publications

Completed projects

Mapping of the home delivery industry
This project combines quantitative and qualitative methods to map the home delivery industry. We will prepare an overview of the largest companies, the use of self-employed and employees, and wages and working conditions.
Risk and working environment challenges in digitalized work

The working environment of the future: Risk and working environment challenges in digitalized work arrangements across different forms of employment. A conceptual framework of the Nordic labour inspection authorities

Study on organisations within the art and cultural sector

Creative professions and professions within arts and culture are a rapidly growing part of the international labor markets.

Digital platforms - new ways of organising work and novel opportunities for economic growth

In this project, Fafo and Samfunnsøkonomisk analyse (SØA) will identify bottlenecks, possible solutions and opportunities for growth and innovation of the platform economy.

LO's youth initiative

Does LO's youth initiative lead to active members and union representatives?

The future of work

Major changes in technology, economic contexts, workforces, and the institutions of work have come in ebb and flow since well before the first industrial revolution in the 18th century. Yet, many argue that the changes we are currently facing are different, and that the rise of digitalized production will entirely transform our ways and views of work.

Actors in the sharing economy

This project aims to identify and analyze players in sharing economy in Norway, and will focus particularly on the services which involves provision of labour.

Temporary employment

The aim of this comparative project is to study how temporary employment influences people’s employment careers and their chances of achieving a permanent establishment in the labour market.