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Research area:

Peacebuilding and stabilisation

Fafo's research programme on peace and stabilization focuses on the dynamics and consequences of evolving doctrine and practice in peacekeeping, peacebuilding, and stabilization operations.

Much of our research includes people that fall outside of the traditional peacekeeping and peacebuilding literature, such as:

  • male and female ex-combatants
  • informal and service workers operating in the peacekeeping economy
  • street children
  • local staff of UN missions and NGOs
  • local business and politico-military elites
  • refugees and internally displaced people
  • sex workers.

Thus, while focusing on key issues and themes in peacekeeping, peacebuilding, and stabilization environments – such as the political economy of peacekeeping; the interaction between locals and internationals in peacekeeping/ building sites; disarmament, demobilization and reintegration; corruption and conflict minerals; sexual exploitation and abuse committed by peacekeepers; and gender – we retain an emphasis on those that are both marginalized and often considered analytically marginal.

In so doing, we hope to provide channels for other voices and experiences to be heard, while bringing new insights to bear on peacekeeping and peacebuilding research.

Articles and book chapters

Completed projects

Seeing DDR from Below

Disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) programming has become an integral element of international programming in countries transitioning from conflict. Despite attracting a high level of attention and resources, DDR's impact on ex-combatants is poorly understood.

Searching the unknown

Med utgangspunkt i de skandinaviske landenes handlingsplaner mot radikalisering, vil dette forskningsprosjektet fokusere på forebyggende arbeid mot radikalisering og hvilken effekt disse har på individer og grupper som det forebyggende arbeidet er rettet mot. 

When Protection Means Exploitation

In the early 2000s, United Nations peacekeeping operations experienced a series of scandals stemming from acts of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) committed by peacekeepers against the local population. The UN responded by promulgating strategies to combat SEA by military and civilian peacekeeping personnel.