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  • Kraus, Østhus, Amundsen, Piontek, Harkonen, Legleye, Bloomfield, Mäkelä, Landberg, & Törrönen

Changes in Mortality due to Major Alcohol-Related Diseases in Four Nordic Countries, France and Germany between 1980 and 2009: A Comparative Age-Period-Cohort Analysis

  • Addiction  | 
  • 2015
  • 110(9)

Kraus, L., Østhus, S., Amundsen, E., Piontek, D., Harkonen, J., Legleye, S., Bloomfield, K., Mäkelä, P., Landberg, J., & Törrönen, J. (2015) “Changes in Mortality due to Major Alcohol-Related Diseases in Four Nordic Countries, France and Germany between 1980 and 2009: A Comparative Age-Period-Cohort Analysis”, Addiction, 110(9): 1443-1452.