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  • Tomas Berglund, Roy A Nielsen, Olof Reichenberg, Jørgen Svalund

Temporary Contracts, Employment Trajectories and Dualisation

A Comparison of Norway and Sweden

  • Work, Employment and Society  | 
  • 2021

This study compares the labour market trajectories of the temporary employed in Norway with those in Sweden. Sweden’s employment protection legislation gap between the strict protection of permanent employment and the loose regulation of temporary employment has widened in recent decades, while Norway has maintained balanced and strict regulation of both employment types. The study asserts that the two countries differ concerning the distribution of trajectories, leading to permanent employment and trajectories that do not create firmer labour market attachment. Using sequence analysis to analyse two-year panels of the labour force survey for 1997–2011, several different trajectories are discerned in the two countries. The bridge trajectories dominate in Norway, while dead-end trajectories are more common in Sweden. Moreover, the bridge trajectories are selected to stronger categories (mid-aged and higher educated) in Sweden than in Norway. The results are discussed from the perspective of labour market dualisation.

Berglund, T., Nielsen, R. A., Reichenberg, O., & Svalund, J. (2021). Temporary Contracts, Employment Trajectories and Dualisation: A Comparison of Norway and Sweden. Work, Employment and Society.

