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  • Anne Hatløy, Ketil Bråthen, Svein Erik Stave and Anne Inga Hilsen

Partnership for a healthier diet

Final report 2016–2021

  • Fafo report 2022:33
  • Fafo report 2022:33

In December 2016, the food industry and the health authorities in Norway signed the Letter of Intent on facilitating a healthier diet. The agreement period lasted until December 2021. At the end of the agreement period in 2021, there were 97 players in the food industry who had signed the agreement. The overall aim of the agreement was to reduce the intake of salt, added sugar and saturated fat in the population, and to increase the intake of fruit, berries, vegetables, coarse grain products, fish and seafood.

The purpose of the collaboration has been to make it easier for consumers to make healthier choices, and to increase the proportion of the population that has a balanced diet in line with the authorities’ dietary advice. The evaluation Fafo has carried out shows that the actors have defined population health as one of their strategic goals in one form or another, and the letter of intent provides support and direction for this work.

  • Publisert: 11. april 2023
  • Ordrenr. 20836