Posted workers frequently move from country to country, while the responsibilities of Labour Inspectorates are confined to national borders. The need for transnational cooperation is clear, yet it presents complex challenges. In this webinar we presented findings on this topic from the research project “Better enforcement through improved Nordic-Baltic Cooperation (BETIC)”, commissioned by European Social Fund+. Additionally, insights into the collaboration between the labour inspectorates of Lithuania and Norway were shared.
Transnational cooperation facilitates monitoring of companies and posted workers across countries. Formal and informal interaction across Member States’ inspectorates is described as essential, playing a crucial role in resolving cases. However, several challenges hinder this process, including differences in national laws, bureaucratic processes, divisions of labour, lack of trust, limited knowledge and access to data, and language barriers.
Currently, cross-border information sharing related to posted work typically occurs through ad hoc exchanges of information about individual workers or companies, for instance via The Internal Market Information System (IMI) or personal contacts.
The Lithuanian and the Norwegian inspectorates are presently engaged in a collaborative project addressing work-related crimes. Lithuania has enacted legislation granting foreign inspectors the right to exercise their powers during cross-border joint inspections within its territory.
In this webinar, we addressed the following questions:
- What are the main barriers to transnational cooperation between labour inspectorates?
- What improvements are possible?
- What have been the experiences from the cooperation between the inspectorates in Norway and Lithuania?
You met:
- Anne Mette Ødegård, Senior Researcher, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research. Presentation (pdf)
- Johanne Stenseth Huseby, Research Assistant, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research. Presentation (pdf)
- Pål Lund, Special Advisor, Norwegian Labour Inspectorate. Presentation (pdf)
- Aras Petrevičius, Advisor of Illegal Activities, Labour Inspectorate in Lithuania
Kristin Alsos, Johanne Stenseth Huseby and Anne Mette Ødegård: Labour Inspections’ strategies and tools used in enforcement of posting. Experiences from Nordic and Baltic state. Fafopaper 2023:12
Kristin Alsos: Tools to support the monitoring of posted workers in the Baltic and the Nordic countries Transposition of the Enforcement Directive (2014/67/EU). Fafopaper 2023:10
Tobias Gamrath, Johanne Stenseth Huseby, Jørgen Ingerød Steen, Anne Mette Ødegård and Fernanda Winger Eggen (2024), Evaluation of the cooperation between the Norwegian and the Lithuanian Labour Inspectorates. Report no. 5-2024 from Samfunnsøkonomisk analyse AS

is funded by the European Social Funds (ESF+)