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Research area:

Global education and out-of-school children

Unesco’s Global Monitoring Report for 2014 shows that more than 50 million school-aged children still are out of school. Approximately one-third live in conflict areas, and 168 million children are involved in child labour.

Fafo staff collects education data and write education chapters in all their Living Condition Survey reports.

Fafo also works extensively with groups of excluded children like child workers, street children and children in trafficking and migration, belonging to the so-called “last 10 per cent”. These are children who cannot easily be reached through regular interventions in the education sector – a broader set of policy tools must be considered.

Fafo contributes to promoting knowledge-based solutions to the global education challenge of including that last 10 per cent.

Fafo publications

Other publications

Completed projects

Assessment of 20 years of Norwegian on-budget support to the Nepali school sector
The study is commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) to evaluate Norway's 20 years of on-budget support to Nepal's school sector. Its primary objective is to assess Norway's impact, identify challenges, and provide forward-looking recommendations for future engagement in Nepal's education sector.
Education outcome variability in children with disabilities: Structure, Institution or Agency

Prosjektet forkortet til EVID ser på variabilitet i utdanningsresultat hos barn med funksjonshemninger. Prosjektet omfatter barn med funksjonshemninger på barneskolen i Ghana og Niger. Den overordnede målsetningen er å bidra til et kunnskapsgrunnlag for et mer rettferdig utdanningstilbud.

Evaluation of Speed School I Program in West Africa

Speed ​​School-programmet er et ni måneders akselerert læringsprogram implementert av Strømmestiftelsen.

Inclusive education for children with a disability in the Sahel

Prosjektet er finansiert under Forskningsrådets NORGLOBAL2-program, og tar for seg utfordringer forbundet med inkluderende utdanning i Sahelområdet, en region preget av sårbarhet og konflikt

Efforts to ensure girls' rights and equality in Norwegian development policies
Basert på analyse av relevante offentlige dokumenter, gjennomgang av bistandsoverføringer samt kvalitative intervjuer i embetsverket, tar prosjektet sikte på å kartlegge framdriften i innsatsen for å ivareta jenters rettigheter og likestilling i norsk utviklingspolitikk.
Street connected children in Georgia and Azerbaijan

Fafo will conduct a qualitative study and a desk review of issues related to street connected children in Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Identifying a mechanism for boosting the transfer of children, especially girls, to lower secondary education

Prosjektet fokuserer på en sentral utfordring for utdanningssektoren i Sahel-regionen, nemlig overgangen fra barne- til ungdomsskolenivå, og spesielt for jenter.

Barrierer for jenters utdanning i Vest-Afrika

I denne studien gir vi en kort oversikt over noen av de områdene det fortsatt mangler kunnskap om når det gjelder jenters utdanning i Vest-Afrika.

NORHED Annual Programme Report 2015

The Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED) aims strengthening higher education and research in low and middle income countries.

Haiti out-of-school children

The Haitian partner, IHE, is contracted by Unicef Haiti to collect quantitative and qualitative data on the profile of out-of-school children and the processes they are part of.