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Anne Hatløy

Research advisor

Anne Hatløy is research advisor at Fafo. She was formerly a research professor at Fafo in the group of Global Studies. In addition, she holds a position as Associate Professor at Center for International Health, University of Bergen.

Hatløy has 30 years of experience with implementation and analysis of quantitative and qualitative research projects in low income countries (West Africa, Uganda, Eritrea, DR Congo, Haiti) on child labour, living conditions, food and nutrition security.

She has extensive experience with research cooperation with institutions in developing countries and in research administration.


PhD, Nutrition, University of Oslo

Current projects

Norwegian-Romanian Initiative for Quality in Education - NOROC

The project aims to improve the quality of educational services, in particular in rural areas, in five departments in Romania. The project aims to combat school dropout and facilitate the transition from primary to lower secondary education and lower secondary to upper secondary education for 650 children at risk.

Fafo publications

Articles and book chapters

Other publications

Completed projects

A guidance note on the elimination of child labour in agriculture through social protection

Fafo has been asked by FAO to make a literature review on social protection and its potentials in addressing child labour in agriculture and to produce a guidance note to eliminate child labour in agriculture through social protection.

Education outcome variability in children with disabilities: Structure, Institution or Agency

The project develops knowledge for more equitable education for children with disabilities in primary schools in Ghana and Niger. It has four integrated components: one empirical/theory generative, one methodological, one assessing current tools for disability assessment and one on policy.

Vision2030 Formative Dialogue Research

The VISJON2030 initiative is setup to contribute to poverty reduction in countries receiving development aid from Norway.

Efforts to ensure girls' rights and equality in Norwegian development policies
Based on analysis of relevant public documents, examination of Norwegian overseas development assistance and interviews with civil servants, the project aims to determine the progress in efforts to ensure girls' rights and equality in Norwegian development policies.
Street connected children in Georgia and Azerbaijan

Fafo will conduct a qualitative study and a desk review of issues related to street connected children in Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Eritrea Population and Health Survey 2010

The major objective of the 2010 Eritrea Population and Health Survey was to collect and analyze data on fertility, mortality, family planning, and health.

Nutrition - still nobody's business?

To which degree have the positive statements by political leadership in the Norwegian government been followed-up by concrete investments in nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions?

Safety Nets - School feeding in emergencies

The aim of the study is to get a better understanding of the benefits and potentials of school feeding programs in emergency contexts.

Methodology to determine the global number of child soldiers

The overall aim of this project is to support the global advocacy efforts to end the use of children in armed conflict.

World Development Report 2013: Good jobs

The Perceptions of Good Jobs study has been conducted in order to better understand and explain how jobs are perceived in a number of selected countries. The report is primarily targeted to provide inputs towards the WDR 2013 and is part of a series of studies conducted on perceptions of good jobs in four countries: Colombia, China, Egypt and Sierra Leone. The main emphasis has been to explore the nature of jobs that affect living standards and enhance social cohesion.

Seeing DDR from Below

Disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) programming has become an integral element of international programming in countries transitioning from conflict. Despite attracting a high level of attention and resources, DDR's impact on ex-combatants is poorly understood.

Religious re-orientation in Southern Mali

The project is a study of religious reorientation and Muslim revival in southern Mali. While the increasing significance of radical Salafist Islam in the north of the country is well known, this project seeks to understand religious reorientation in the South, where Islam in recent years has become increasingly significant in the public space. The project addresses questions concerning secularism and people's perceptions about religion, politics and gender.