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Integrating Diversity in Social Dialogue (INTEGRATE-DIALOGUE)

Strengthening the EU’s Labour Market in the Digital and Green Age

INTEGRATE-DIALOGUE combines a top-down approach, focusing on the role of social partners and unions in approaching and including NSWs in collective institutions and a the bottom-up perspective, i.e., NSWs’ needs and interests to be represented and have a voice.

The project will specifically look into the following main issues:

  1. the rationale for social dialogue
  2. the importance of the institutional framework in facilitating social dialogue within different business models
  3. the capacity and willingness of social partners to include NSWs
  4. the subjective view of NSWs on social dialogue
  5. alternative policies that lead to the strengthening of social dialogue.


  • Oppstart:
    februar 2025
  • Avsluttes:
    januar 2028


  • Horisont Europa

