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Articles and book chapters
Trade union responses to migrant workers from the 'new Europe'
Jane Hardy, Line Eldring, Thorsten Schulten | 2012 |
Europeisk arbeidsmobilitet: Utfordringer for de nordiske arbeidsmarkedene
Line Eldring og Jon Erik Dølvik | 2013 | Søkelys på arbeidslivet
Tåler den norske modellen arbeidsinnvandring?
Line Eldring | 2015 |
Lovbasert minstelønnsregulering: Løsning eller forbannelse?
Line Eldring | 2015 | Europarättslig tidsskrift
Varying perceptions of social dumping in similar countries
Jens Arnholtz & Line Eldring | 2015 | Market expansion and social dumping in Europe.
As Divisions Entrench. Is Syria Headed for Permanent Split?
Mona Christophersen | 2015 | IPI Global Observatory
Poor, terrorised and internally displaced: the humanitarian situation in Northern Uganda
Bøås M and Hatløy A | 2006 | Humanitarian Exchange
Problems and pitfalls in the use of estimated age in anthropometric measurements of children from 6 to 60 months of age: A case from Mali
Oshaug A,Pedersen J, Diarra M, Ag Bendech M, Hatløy A | 1994 | Journal of Nutrition
Nutrient composition and nutritional importance of green leaves and wild food resources in an agricultural district, Koutiala, in Southern Mali
Nordeide MB, Hatløy A, Følling M, Lie E and Oshaug A | 1996 | International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition
Food variety – a good indicator of nutritional adequacy? A case study from an urban area in Mali, West Africa
Hatløy A, Torheim LE and Oshaug A | 1998 | European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
A Risk factors for dental fluorosis in 6-11 year-old children living in rural areas of Paraiba – Brazil.
Sampaio FS, von der Fehr FR, Arneberg P, Gigante DP, Hatløy A | 1999 | Caries Research
Food variety scores, socio-economic status and nutritional status in urban and rural areas in Koutiala (Mali)
Hatløy A, Hallund J, Diarra MM and Oshaug A | 2000 | Public Health Nutrition
Validation of a quantitative food frequency questionnaire in Western Mali
Torheim LE, Barikmo I, Hatløy A, Ouattara F, Diarra M and Oshaug A | 2001 |
Validation of food variety as an indicator of diet quality assessed with a food frequency questionnaire for Western Mali
Torheim LE, Barikmo I, Parr C, Hatløy A, Ouatara F, Oshaug A | 2003 | European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Nutrition adequacy and dietary diversity in rural Mali: association and determinants
Torheim LE, Ouattara F, Diarra MM, Thiam FD, Barikmo I, Hatløy A and… | 2004 | European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Life as a child domestic worker in Haiti
Hatløy A | 2005 | The Journal of Haitian Studies
Snacks are important for fat and vitamin intakes among rural African women: a cross-sectional study from Malawi
Hallund J, Hatløy A, Benesi I and Thilsted SH | 2007 | European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Child labour in West Africa: Different children – Different work – Different vulnerabilities
Bøås M and Hatløy A | 2008 | International Migration
Alcohol and drugs in post-war Sierra Leone
Bøås M and Hatløy A | 2008 | Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies
Utilisation of Respondent Driven Sampling among a population of child workers in the diamond mining sector of Sierra Leone
Bjørkhaug I and Anne Hatløy A | 2009 | Global Public Health
The social context of severe child malnutrition: a qualitative household case study from a rural area of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Kismul H, Hatløy, Andersen P, Mapatano M, Van den Broeck J and Mollan… | 2015 | International Journal for Equity in Health
Den gjennomsiktige virksomheten
Tommy Tranvik og Mona Bråten | 2015 | Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Job Insecurity and Mental Well-Being in Finland, Norway, and Sweden
Vulkan, Patrik Saloniemi, Antti Svalund, Jørgen Väisänen, Anna | 2015 | Nordic Jounral of Working Life Studies
The Nordic Countries
Line Eldring and Kristin Alsos | 2015 |
Velmenende likegyldighet? Konflikt og integrasjon i et flerkulturelt sykehus
Jon Rogstad og Kari Nyheim Solbrække | 2012 | Sosiologisk tidsskrift
Den utdannede, den drepte og den glemte
Jon Rogstad og Arnfinn Haagensen Midtbøen | 2010 | Sosiologisk tidsskrift
Den flerkulturelle utfordring: Mellom retten til likhet og lik rett til forskjell
Brita Bungum, Ulla Forseth og Elin Kvande (red.) | 2015 | Norsk nirvana? Internasjonalisering og den norske modellen i arbeidsliv og velferdsstat
Young and Out: An Application of a Prospects-Based Concept of Social Exclusion
Oddbjørn Raaum, Jon Rogstad, Knut Røed, Lars Westlie | 2009 | Journal of Socioeconomics
Sales assistants in the making: Learning through responsibility
Kaja Reegård | 2015 | Vocations and Learning
Diversity of occupational orientations in Sales vocational education and training
Kaja Reegård | 2015 | Journal of Education and Work
Ytringsfrihet i arbeidslivet
Sissel C. Trygstad | 2015 | Sosiologisk tidsskrift
Sign Language, Translation and Rule of Law – Deaf People’s Experiences with the Norwegian Criminal Justice System
Olsen, Terje & Patrick Kermit | 2015 |
Unge omsorgsgivere – barn og unge som har betydelige omsorgsoppgaver.
Ellen Katrine Kallander & V. U. Vallesverd | 2015 |
Retaining older workers - an anlysis of company syrveys from 2005 and 2010
Åsmund Hermansen og Tove Midtsundstad | 2015 | International Journal of Manpower
Innlevelse, kunnskap og erfaring
Anette Brunovskis | 2015 |
Fri bevegelse, økt fleksibilitet og den norske velferdsstaten: Arbeidslivsintegrasjon og bruk av sosiale ytelser blant arbeidsinnvandrere fra Øst- og Sentral-Europa
Jon Horgen Friberg | 2015 | Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning
Facilitating User Influence in Activation Programs. When Carers and Clerks meet Pawns and Queens.
Anne Britt Djuve og Hanne C. Kavli | 2015 | Journal of Social Policy
Redusert liggetid blant de eldste
Åsmund Hermansen | 2015 | Sykepleien Forskning
Ønsket om å bli som andre barn
Nerina Weiss | 2015 |
Adapting to the Dual Earner Family Norm?
Hanne Cecilie Kavli | 2015 | Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Andrew Martin and Jon Erik Dølvik | 2015 |
From Crisis to Crisis
Jon Erik Dølvik and Andrew Martin | 2015 |
The Nordic Social Models
Jon Erik Dølvik, J. G. Andersen and J. Vartiainen | 2015 |
Jon Erik Dølvik and Andrew Martin | 2015 |
Life in a ‘Peace-kept’ City: Encounters with the Peacekeeping Economy
Kathleen M. Jennings | 2015 | Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding
Explaining whistle blowing processes in the Norwegian Labour Market – power and institutional factors
Marit Skivenes & Sissel C. Trygstad | 2015 | Industrial Democracy in Europe
Multikulturalisme på norsk. Er anerkjennelse til hinder for utjevning?
Anne Britt Djuve | 2015 | Agora Tidsskrift for metafysisk spekulasjon.
Perceptions of civil rights, security and the “war on terror”: East and West compared.
| 2015 | Communist and Post-Communist Studies
Retaining older workers: The effect of phased retirement on delaying early retirement
| 2015 | Nordic Journal of Social Research
På nett - hvor lett?
Å. Hermansen & T. Midtsundstad | 2015 | Søkelys på arbeidslivet