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Articles and book chapters
Theorising women and war in Kurdistan: A feminist and critical perspective
Nazand Begikhani, Wendelmoet Hamelink & Nerina Weiss | 2018 |
Women and War
Nazand Begikhani, Wendelmoet Hamelink, Nerina Weiss | 2018 |
Hvordan påvirkes lønnsspredningen av koordinering i lønnsdannelsen?
Elin Svarstad og Joachim Thøgersen | 2018 | Beta: Scandinavian Journal of Business Research
The making of immigrant niches in an affluent welfare state
Jon Horgen Friberg & Arnfinn H. Midtbøen | 2018 | International Migration Review
Varslingsrutiner på arbeidsplassen som redskap for åpenhet og trygghet
Sissel C. Trygstad, Anne Mette Ødegård & Elin Svarstad | 2018 | Magma
Political engagement among young adults with minority backgrounds: Between identity and interest
Mette Andersson & Jon Rogstad | 2018 |
National and regional under-5 mortality rate by economic status for low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic assessment
Fengqing Chao, Danzhen You, Jon Pedersen, Lucia Hug, Leontine Alkema | 2018 | Lancet Glob Health
Pursuing Sustainable Development under Sectarianism in Lebanon
Mona Christophersen | 2018 |
Advancing Sustainable Development between Conflict and Peace in Myanmar
Mona Christophersen and Svein Erik Stave | 2018 |
Passe inn og passe til
Jon Rogstad og Erika Braanen Sterri | 2018 |
Trade unions and the politics of occupational pensions in Denmark and Norway
Pedersen, A. W., Hippe, J. M., Grødem, A. S. & Sørensen, O. B. | 2018 |
Beyond coverage: the politics of occupational pensions and the role of trade unions
Grødem, A.S., Hagelund, A., Hippe, J.M. and Trampusch, C | 2018 |
The effect of retaining bonuses on delaying early retirement – financial incentives revisited
Å. Hermansen og T. Midtsundstad | 2018 | Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
Normaliseringsarbeid i narkotikaprogram med domstolskontroll
Haukland, V. & Oppegaard, S.M.N. | 2018 |
Fengslet i kontrollens tidsalder
Sigurd Martin Nordli Oppegaard | 2018 |
Norwegian Board-Level Employee Representatives: Still in a Prominent Position?
Inger Marie Hagen | 2018 |
Do terrorist attacks affect ethnic discrimination in the labour market?
Birkelund, G. E., Chan, T. W., Ugreninov, E., Midtbøen, A. H. & Rog... | 2018 | The British Journal of Sociology
Nash chelovek
Åse B. Grødeland and Leslie T. Holmes | 2018 |
The Battle over a Fair Share: The Creation of Labour Market Institutions in Norway
Åsmund Arup Seip | 2018 | Democratic State and Democratic Society. Institutional Change in the Nordic Model
Bruk av tvungen lønnsnemnd i Norge
Åsmund Arup Seip | 2018 | Arbeidsrett
Can We Expect More Students Dropping out of Education to Play Poker or Has Online Poker Become too Challenging
Niri Talberg | 2017 | Journal of Gambling Issues
Kjennetegn ved unge pokerspillere
Niri Talberg | 2017 | Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning
Deskilling revisited: Labour migration, neo-Taylorism and the degradation of craft work in the Norwegian construction industry
Hedda Haakestad & Jon Horgen Friberg | 2017 | Economic and Industrial Democracy
Ethnicity as skill: immigrant employment hierarchies in Norwegian low-wage labour markets
Jon H. Friberg & Arnfinn H. Midtbøen | 2017 | Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Working environment and work retention
Poulson, O.M., Fridriksson, J.F., Tomasson, K., Midtsundstad, T.I.,... | 2017 | TemaNord
More company boards – less board-level employee representatives
Inger Marie Hagen | 2017 |
When Work Comes First: Young Adults in Vocational Education and Training in Norway
Anna Hagen Tønder & Tove Mogstad Aspøy | 2017 | International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training
Fixed-term employment in Norway and Sweden: A pathway to labour market marginalization?
Jørgen Svalund & Tomas Berglund | 2017 | European Journal of Industrial Relations
Nutrition, global health and Norway's development policy
Liv Elin Torheim, Anne Hatløy & Tone Sommerfelt | 2017 | Tidsskrift for den norske legeforening
Bush Bound: Young Men and Rural Permanence in Migrant West Africa/Paolo Gaibazzi (2015)
Sommerfelt, Tone | 2017 | American Anthropologist
The visible employee - technological governance and control of the mobile workforce
Tommy Tranvik & Mona Bråten | 2017 |
Bruk av digitale kontrollteknologier og ivaretakelse av personvern i arbeidsforhold
Mona Bråten | 2017 |
Mellomledd i oppdragsmarkedet
Liv Helene Roverud, Tor Kristian Kjølvik, Torstein Nesheim og Krist... | 2017 |
Determinants of childhood stunting in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Hallgeir Kismul, Pawan Acharya, Mala Ali Mapatano & Anne Hatløy | 2017 | BMC Public Health
Dietary diversity is related to socioeconomic status among adult Saharawi refugees living in Algeria
Marianne Sandsmark Morseth, Navnit Kaur Grewal, Ida Sophie Kaasa, A... | 2017 |
Das norwegische Paradoxon von Arbeitslosigkeit und Invalidität
Tove Midtsundstad | 2017 | Erwerbsverlauf und sozialer Schutz in Europa
Le paradoxe chômage - invalidité en Norvège
Tove Midtsundstad | 2017 | Les parcours professionnels et la protection sociale en Europe
De gode radikale i kampen mot IS
Nerina Weiss | 2017 |
Does Peace Always Produce Development?
Jimena Leiva Roesch and Mona Christophersen | 2017 |
Midlertidig ansettelse i Norge – en vei inn i stabilt arbeid?
Jørgen Svalund & Roy A. Nielsen | 2017 |
Contrasting prospects: the institutionalisation of VET for retail and office work in Norway
Kaja Reegård | 2017 |
Anniken Hagelund and Hanne Cecilie Kavli | 2017 |
Opposing Forces: On Whistleblowing in Norwegian Working Life
Sissel C. Trygstad | 2017 |
Religious Threats and Institutional Change in Norwegian Mass Media
Elgvin, Olav / Rogstad, Jon | 2017 |
The Public Sphere in the Nordic Model
Engelstad, Fredrik / Larsen, Håkon / Rogstad, Jon | 2017 |
Introduction: The Public Sphere in Change. Institutional Perspectives on Neo-corporatist Society
Engelstad, Fredrik / Larsen, Håkon / Rogstad, Jon / Steen-Johnsen, ... | 2017 |
Fagbrev i voksen alder
Bernt Bratsberg, Torgeir Nyen og Oddbjørn Raaum | 2017 |
Youth in the southern and eastern Mediterranean:
Jon Pedersen and Åge A. Tiltnes | 2017 |
Government employers in Sweden, Denmark and Norway
Hansen, Nana Wesley and Åsmund Arup Seip | 2017 | European Journal of Industrial Relations
Children with ill parents: extent and nature of caring activities
Ellen Katrine Kallander et al. | 2017 |