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Articles and book chapters
Does Peace Always Produce Development?
Jimena Leiva Roesch and Mona Christophersen | 2017 |
Midlertidig ansettelse i Norge – en vei inn i stabilt arbeid?
Jørgen Svalund & Roy A. Nielsen | 2017 |
Contrasting prospects: the institutionalisation of VET for retail and office work in Norway
Kaja Reegård | 2017 |
Anniken Hagelund and Hanne Cecilie Kavli | 2017 |
Opposing Forces: On Whistleblowing in Norwegian Working Life
Sissel C. Trygstad | 2017 |
Religious Threats and Institutional Change in Norwegian Mass Media
Elgvin, Olav / Rogstad, Jon | 2017 |
The Public Sphere in the Nordic Model
Engelstad, Fredrik / Larsen, Håkon / Rogstad, Jon | 2017 |
Introduction: The Public Sphere in Change. Institutional Perspectives on Neo-corporatist Society
Engelstad, Fredrik / Larsen, Håkon / Rogstad, Jon / Steen-Johnsen, Ka… | 2017 |
Fagbrev i voksen alder
Bernt Bratsberg, Torgeir Nyen og Oddbjørn Raaum | 2017 |
Youth in the southern and eastern Mediterranean:
Jon Pedersen and Åge A. Tiltnes | 2017 |
Government employers in Sweden, Denmark and Norway
Hansen, Nana Wesley and Åsmund Arup Seip | 2017 | European Journal of Industrial Relations
Children with ill parents: extent and nature of caring activities
Ellen Katrine Kallander et al. | 2017 |
Alle skal med? En analyse av frafall i AFP-ordningen
Jon M. Hippe, Pål Lillevold og Hans Gunnar Vøien | 2017 |
En selger in spe. Orienteringer mot butikkarbeid blant unge på yrkesfag
Innvandrernes etterkommere: Teoretiske og komparative perspektiver
Jon Horgen Friberg og Arnfinn H. Midtbøen | 2017 | Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift
Introduction: Transnational labour mobility
Jon Erik Dølvik | 2017 | Comparative Social Research
Innvandrerdriv på Oslos østkant
Kindt, M. T & Hegna, K. | 2017 |
Innvandrerdriv eller middelklassedriv?
Marianne Takvam Kindt | 2017 |
Right Choice, Wrong Motives?
Marianne Takvam Kindt | 2017 |
Displacement, belonging, and land rights in Grand Gedeh, Liberia: almost at home abroad?
Ingunn Bjørkhaug, Morten Bøås og Tewodros Aragie Kebede | 2017 | African Studies Review
Tales of Loss and Sorrow: Addressing Methodological Challenges in Refugee Research in Uganda
| 2017 | Forum for Development Studies
Short-Term Benefits, Long-Term Harm?
Tove Mogstad Aspøy and Torgeir Nyen | 2017 |
Writing change: Diglossia and popular writing practices in Egypt
Tewodros Aragie Kebede, Kristian Takvam Kindt og Jacob Høigilt | 2016 |
Where Rivers Meet: Exploring the Confluence of Ecofeminism, Covenantal Ethics, and Action Research
Mary Brydon-Miller og Anne Inga Hilsen | 2016 | Contemporary Perspectives on Ecofeminism
Do workplace intervensions reduce disability rates?
T. Midtsundstad and Roy A. Nielsen | 2016 | Occupational Medicin
Arbeidstakersidens organisasjonsstruktur i et historisk perspektiv
Kristine Nergaard | 2016 |
Nordisk arbeidsliv: Modell under press
Jon M. Hippe og Kristine Nergaard | 2016 |
Additive or Multiplicative Disadvantage?
Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund, Kristian Heggebø and Jon Rogstad | 2016 | European Sociological Review
Household vulnerability and economic status during disaster recovery and its determinants
Huafeng Zhang | 2016 | Natural Hazards
Literature Review on Educational Attainment of Migrant Children in China
Huafeng Zhang | 2016 | Open Journal of Social Sciences
Inequity in level of healthcare utilization before and after universal health coverage reforms in China
Hedda Flatø and Huafeng Zhang | 2016 | International Journal for Equity in Health
The Management of Variable Pay in Banking: Forms and Rationales in Four European Countries
J. Arrowsmith, Heidi Nicolaisen, B. Bechter and R. NonellBullentin of Comparative Labour Relations
Modification des règles du contrat de travail temporaire : une rupture avec la tradition de compromis entre gouvernement et syndicats
Kristin Jesnes | 2016 | Chronique Internationale de l’Ires
Integrert eller marginalisert?
Heidi Nicolaisen og Hanne C. Kavli | 2016 | Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Utbredelsen av deltid og ulike arbeidstidsordninger
Kristine Nergaard | 2016 | Turnus som fremmer heltidskultur.
The rise and implications of temporary staffing as a "migration industry" in Norway
Jon Horgen Friberg | 2016 | Nordic Journal of Migration Research
Når velferdsstaten bryter tilliten ned: Somaliske innvandrere i møte med NAV
Friberg, J.H. & Olav Elgvin | 2016 | Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
– Kan du representere meg? Rekruttering av tillitsvalgte blant innvandrere i Norge
Inger Marie Hagen og Ragnhild Steen Jensen | 2016 | Søkelys på arbeidslivet
Opportunities and risks among the migrant workers in the hotel industry in Oslo
Aadne Aasland & Guri Tyldum | 2016 | Nordic Journal of Migration Research
The Danes’ uneasy relationship between collective bargaining and legislation in implementing EU workers’ rights
Jon Erik Dølvik | 2016 |
EU och gränsöverskridande arbete – mer än bara utstationering
Dølvik, J. E., Olsson, P. H., Malmberg, J. & Sjødin, E. | 2016 |
Le modèle nordique en periode de crise
Jon Erik Dølvik | 2016 |
Whistleblowing in Local Government
Marit Skivenes and Sissel C. Trygstad | 2016 | Scandinavian Political Studies
Ung med virkning. Opplæringsprogram til unge brukermedvirkere
Olsen, Terje & Aida Tesfai | 2016 |
Challenges in researching violence affecting health service delivery in complex security environments
Ludvig Foghammar, Suyoun Jang, Gulzhan Asylbek Kyzy, Nerina Weiss, Ka… | 2016 |
New Patterns of Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe and its Impact on Labour Markets and Institutions in Norway
Jon Horgen Friberg | 2016 | Labour Mobility in the Enlarged Single European Market
Doing No Harm—Ethical Challenges in Research with Trafficked Persons
Anette Brunovskis and Rebecca Surtees | 2016 |
Creating coherence: A longitudinal study of students traversing vocational education for office work in Norway
| 2016 | Young
Occurrence and factors associated with aflatoxin contamination of raw peanuts from Lusaka district's markets, Zambia
Bumbangi NF, Muma JB, Choongo K, Mukanga M, Velu MR , Veldman F, Hatl… | 2016 | Food Control
Special rights within universal welfare: Assistance to trafficking victims in Norway
Anette Brunovskis | 2016 | Journal of Comparative Social Work