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Articles and book chapters
Hate speech harms: a social justice discussion of disabled Norwegians’ experiences
Vedeler, Janikke Solstad, Terje Olsen & John Eriksen | 2019 |
Lockout som kampmiddel i moderne arbeidskonflikter
Kristin Alsos og Kristine Nergaard | 2019 |
Employment Models of Platform Companies in Norway: A Distinctive Approach?
Kristin Jesnes | 2019 |
Factors associated with children’s quality of life
Ellen Katrine Kallander et al. | 2019 |
Does selective acculturation work?
Jon Horgen Friberg | 2019 | Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Tvilsomme informanter, troverdig forskning?
Jon Horgen Friberg | 2019 | Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Fattigdom på norsk
Tone Fløtten | 2019 | Mellom mennesker og samfunn
The perceived influence of employee board members on decisions in Denmark and Norway
Caspar Rose & Inger Marie Hagen | 2019 |
The Battle over a Fair Share: The Creation of Labour Market Institutions in Norway
Åsmund Arup Seip | 2019 |
Workplace Democracy: Representation and Participation Gaps in the Norwegian Labour Market Model
Kristin Alsos & Sissel C. Trygstad | 2019 |
Bowling Alone and Working Together? Social Capital at Work
Jon Rogstad & Kaja Reegård | 2019 |
Politicising Women’s Part-Time Work in Norway: A Longitudinal Study of Ideas
Anne Lise Ellingsæter & Ragnhild Steen Jensen | 2019 |
Poor, but included?
Tone Fløtten | 2019 |
Which Norwegian enterprises offer the poorest and the best pension entitlements?
Tove Midtsundstad | 2019 | Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
En migrasjonsforskers bekjennelser
Jon Horgen Friberg | 2019 | Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Rumensk tiggemigrasjon i et menneskehandelsperspektiv
Jon Horgen Friberg og Guri Tyldum | 2019 | Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Reisel, L., Hermansen, A. & Kindt, M. T. | 2019 |
A tale of two reforms: Institutional change in vocational education and training in Norway and Sweden in the 1990s
Daniel Persson Thunqvist, Anna Hagen Tønder, Kaja Reegård | 2019 | European Educational Research Journal
Active ageing and older learners – skills, employability and continued learning
Richard dejardin, Dorothy Sutherland Olsen og Tove Midtsundstad | 2019 | European Journal of Education
The Norwegian Unemployment-Disability Paradox
T. Midtsundstad | 2018 | Employment Biographies and Social Protection in Europe
The role of the safety delegates in the construction industry
Rolf K. Andersen og Mona Bråten | 2018 |
Poverty, networks, resistance: The economic sociology of Roma migration for begging
Jon Horgen Friberg | 2018 | Migration Studies
Introduction: The Generative Power of Political Emotions
Mette-Louise Johansen, Therese Sandrup and Nerina Weiss | 2018 |
The Many Layers of Moral Outrage: Kurdish Activists and Diaspora Politics
Nerina Weiss | 2018 |
Trade union representatives from ethnic minorities. Representation revisited
Inger Marie Hagen & Ragnhild Steen Jensen | 2018 |
Users’ Choice in Providing Services to the Most Vulnerable Homeless People
Inger Lise Skog Hansen | 2018 |
Refugee integration policy the Norwegian way – why good ideas fail and bad ideas prevail.
Anne Britt Djuve & Hanne C. Kavli | 2018/2019 |
Hiring of Flexible and Fixed-term Workers in Five Norwegian and Swedish Industries
Jørgen Svalund, Anna Peixoto, Jon Erik Dølvik & Kristin Jesnes | 2018 |
The Welfare State and International Migration: The European Challenge
Grete Brochmann and Jon Erik Dølvik | 2018 |
European Journal of Industrial Relations
Jon Erik Dølvik & Paul Marginson | 2018 |
Seniorers mulighet for gradvis nedtrapping fra arbeidslivet
Tove Midtsundstad | 2018 | Søkelys på arbeidslivet
Individual-and community-level determinants of child immunization in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A multilevel analysis
Pawan Acharya, Hallgeir Kismul, Mala Ali Mapatano & Anne Hatløy | 2018 |
En av seks medlemmer har opplevd seksuell trakassering
Mona Bråten | 2018 | Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
15 år med anbefaling for eierstyring og selskapsledelse
Inger Marie Hagen & Elin Svarstad | 2018 | Magma
Collective wage bargaining under strain in northern European construction
Jens Arnholtz, Guglielmo Meardi, Johannes Oldervoll | 2018 |
The manufacturing sector: Still an anchor for pattern bargaining within and across countries?
Torsten Müller, Jon Erik Dølvik, Christian Ibsen, Thorsten Schulten | 2018 |
Collective wage regulation in northern Europe under strain
Dølvik, J. E., Marginson, P., Alsos, K., Arnholtz, J., Meardi, G., ... | 2018 |
Temporary work agencies: Triangular disorganization or multilevel regulation?
Kristin Alsos & Claire Evans | 2018 |
Dealing with austerity and migration in the northern European cleaning sector
Sissel Trygstad, Trine P. Larsen & Kristine Nergaard | 2018 |
Cross-sectoral coordination and regulation of wage determination in northern Europe
Jon Erik Dølvik & Paul Marginson | 2018 |
Progression to higher education from VET in the Nordic countries: Mixed policies and pathways
Maarit Virolainen & Anna Hagen Tønder | 2018 |
Transitions from vocational education to employment in the Nordic countries
Christian Helms Jørgensen & Anna Hagen Tønder | 2018 |
Young People at Risk. School Dropout and Labour Market Exclusion in the Nordic countries
Hyggen, Christer, Lidija Kolouh-Söderlund, Terje Olsen & Jenny Tägt... | 2018 |
Social organization and family life
Nerina Weiss | 2018 |
Gender roles
Nerina Weiss | 2018 |
Networking, lobbying and bargaining for pensions: trade union power in the Norwegian pension reform
Anne Skevik Grødem & Jon M. Hippe | 2018 | Journal of Public Policy
Når sjefen er en app – delingsøkonomi i et arbeidsperspektiv
Kristin Alsos, Kristin Jesnes og Beate Sletvold Øistad | 2018 |
Development of vocational skills through integration of practical training periods in school based vocational education in Norway
Torgeir Nyen og Anna Hagen Tønder | 2018 |
Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children of parents with somatic- or mental illness or substance dependence
Kristine Amlund Hagen, Marit Hilsen, Ellen K. Kallander & Torleif Ruud | 2018 |
Outcomes for children who care for a parent with severe illness or substance abuse
Ellen Katrine Kallander et al. | 2018 |